Oilfield Services | Operations General Manager |Drilling manager | drilling operations manager |Drilling superintend I drilling engineer | Drilling supervisor | Well engineer | Rig foreman | onshore | offshore| work-over Eng. | completion Eng.| Well control | IWCF| WELL Sharp| drilling software |Drilling tenders | Drilling Contracts engineer | bid Evaluations | logistics | oil-tools| SERVICES | HPHT| ERD | MBD| UBD | sour wells | Multi-lateral |deep wells | Jack up |drillship | RIG LESS OPERATIONS| well intervention | well construction |international Oil & GAS |CMT| BITS |MUD | CASING | WELLHEAD |RIG FLEET
University Degree: B.SC. July 1998, Faculty Of Engineering, Cairo University.
- Major: Petroleum Engineering (Drilling, Production, Reservoir, EOR ….).
- Cumulative Results: Good (74.6%).
- Graduation Project Results: Very Good (84%).
- DOB: April 8th, 1975.
- POB: Tripoli – Libya.
- Nationality: Egyptian.
- Marital Status: Married +3.
- Passport Status: Valid.
- Driving License: 859370.
Completed the training package of all levels with Nasser Academy – Cairo – “1995 – 1997”)
EQUINOX PS – FZ General Manager
(Apr. 2020 Till Present)
IPR Energy Group – International Oilfield Services Operations General Manager
(Feb. 2017 Till Mar. 2020)
Drilled with El-Hamra Oil (EHO) Petroleum Company (JV of EGPC with IPR Energy Group) 8 wells including vertical wells, (slightly & normal) deviated wells in addition to the completion of all said wells down to (7,000 – 9,000) FT.
Also, I was responsible beside my main job as an OGM to follow up the work over activities using IPR-2 pulling unit which is a continous WO operations on EHO wells.
All Drilling, Work Over & Completion tending, market surveys, Contracts, Internal Memos, faxes, Pre-Spud Meetins Presentatins, technical papers in conferences such as EGYPS & MOC, planning meetings with all related contractors & services providors, MRO’s, PO’s, F/O, F/I ….. are under my responsibilities & included into my job description.
Registration process (Technical Part) including the renewal with EGPC & EGAS for any new services is one of my job description as well.
The final well reports for any completed wells is prepared by the SDE & under my responsibilities & final revision till sign same & issue the final version.
A drilling foreman with SAUDI ARAMCO (Nov. 2016 – Feb. 2017)
Day DS, Drilling Superintendent & Acting DGM – (PETROSANNAN – JV NAFTOGAZ)
(Jul. 2014 – Nov. 2016)
A day drilling supervisor for 2000 HP with TDS electrical SCR-VFD drilling rig, drilled with them two deep vertical wells, one slightly deviated well & one side track well. Starting from July 2015 till Nov. 2016, I was working as a drilling superintendent & acting as DGM in the same time responsible & following up all ongoing drilling, work over & DST with TCP operations with the same drilling & work over rigs, following up the running initial completion opetaions.
Many deviated wells drilled using Motor Combined With RSS + LWD (Triple Combo).
(Jul. 2007 – Jun. 2014)
A day drilling & work over supervisor for (2 Years), then, A Senior Drilling Engineer for (3 Years) prepared, following up & supervising all drilling & work over operations, technically & engineering for 85 wells. Starting from Aug. 2018, I was delegated from EGPC side to be a DGM for Petroshamd & for ENAP Sipetrol till left the company on July 2014.
The drilled & completed wells (in westren dessert) was (Exploratory, Appraisal, Development – Shallow & Deep – Vertical, slightly & highly deviated – drilled using RSS-Motor-MWD-LWD Halliburton, Schlumberger & Baker Systems – down to Jurassic Formations) using many types of drilling & work over rigs such as ECDC # 7, PDI # 104, PR # 3, ST # 2 & EDC # 1).
I worked with ENAP SIPETROL starting from the 1st Exploratory wells till the well Shahd # 9 (# 85) & during that period, the production came up from ZERO to 28,000 BOPD.
Also, I attended many cost recovery process with EGPC & EGAS.
In parallel to a part of the previous period of time (2010 – 2013), I were delegated as an Romana Project Drilling Superintendent (Gas & Condensate – HP) concession (NW Sinai Area). Drilled one commited wild cat well (MS-1 ST) using the drilling rig EDC-1 Electronic SCR (1500 HP W/ TDS), then; drilled two comitted Exploratory wells using EMESCO-605 Electronic SCR 2000 HP Drilling Rig (Opal-1 & Jasper-1) in Delta Area (NW Sinai).
All wells were under relinquishment process which taken a place under my supervision & follow up with EGAS.
Our parteners in Romana concession were Centrica & PTTEP.
Also, in parallel to my main job tasks as SDE in ENAP Sipetrol, I followd up with our parteners, EDISON Operations (Drilling) Dept. the offshore drilling & testing activities of the exploratory well SEAR # 1X since the Pre-Spud Meeting until the relinquishment process of Sidi Abd El-Rahman concession (Mediteranean Sea).
Detailed Tasks & Duties
- Preparing the drilling programs including the casing design, cementing program, bits program, drilling fluids program, all HSE precautions, AFE, well control part based on the pore & fracture pressures received from exploration department, BHA design, detailed discussions for all expected problems in each drilling sections based on the available offset wells data ……
- Performed all / most types of work over operations including different remedial jobs such as running ESP, SRP, NF completion strings, injectivity, water shut off, squeeze & balanced cement plugs in different types of wells, perforations (TCP & Casing Guns), many FRAC, Coiled Tubing, N2 Lifting Jobs, sand plugs …
- Participate in all preparation steps of all tenders & market surveys related to the drilling & work over activities (drilling rigs, work over rigs, drilling & completion fluids, cementing, tubular handling, directional drilling, rental down hole equipment (jars, SS, S.STB …), cold cutter, well head, hot welding …… starting from the scope of work, tender & market survey package preparation, invitation to tender (ITT), Technical & commercial evaluations including all clarification process until issue the fax of award.
- Participate & follow up all contract’s extensions process including extension technical justifications & all other higher-level negotiations process.
- Responsible for preparing all drilling, work over & completion materials (Casing, Tubing, well heads, with all spare parts) materials requisitions (MR’s), purchase orders (PO’s).
- Responsible for any direct order justifications process internally & externally with EGPC as per the top urgent work needs.
- Responsible for completing any new amendments & addendums for any ongoing contracts.
- Supporting all drilling & work over programs including AFE with all related process to partners & EGPC approvals.
- Preforming all Pre-Spud Meeting Presentations @ Office & Rig Site especially in critical wells.
- Reviewing & supporting the daily drilling & work over reports including all progress charts & cost sheets.
- Reviewing & supporting the weekly, monthly & annual reports.
- Reviewing & supporting the monthly financial reports including all operations coding using same in invoices processing through the financial & commercial department.
- Preparing & Presenting all technical committee Meeting (TCM) – Operational Committee Meeting (OCM) quarterly, semiyearly & yearly.
- Reviewing prior sending all e-mails for requesting all material & services required for drilling, work over & completion operations including all contracted & approved non-contracted items.
- Performing & reviewing wells reconciliation & final wells reports (FWR’s) with all related archiving process.
- Reviewing technically, contractually & financially, then approve all drilling, work over & completion operations invoices including the coding as well as all additional process required to finalize all problematic invoices.
- Support all maintenance process for any stock drilling, work over & completion materials (Condition – C).
- Responsible for performing all cost recovery process between ENAP Sipetrol & EGPC (Oil Concessions (ERQ – WD)) as well as EGAS (Gas Concessions (Romana – NW Sinai)).
- Participating in all bid rounds process (From A to Z) till win with a new project &/ new concession.
- Reviewing & performing the required design modifications for any cement lab test & program including the casing centralization design based on my previous 4 years working with Halliburton in (PE & ZI PSL).
- Participating in the evaluation for all USIT-CBL-VDL cased hole (cement evaluation) logs.
- Responsible for selling & handing over all materials remaining from any drilling project after completing the relinquishment process with EGPC & EGAS.
- Responsible for any drilling water wells design & operations till put same on production.
- Responsible for all well site preparations follow up with the project department manager as per the drilling rig layout.
- Working on DEMS, Open Well & Compass Drilling Software.
Night DS & Day DS (Suez Oil Company – JV RWE Dea) (Jun. 2002 – Dec. 2006)
North Idku Project with RWE Dea (Subsurface Engineering Dept.) – (Last 3 Months)
A senior (IWS “Intellegent Well System” & sand control “Open Hole & Cased Hole Gravel Pack”) Completion Engineer for gas & condensate wells (Mediterranean Sea) following up all designing procedures for this project with two very experienced specialists from Baker Oil Tools for around 2 months.
I travelled during that period to Germany (North Sea – MITTELPLATE) & attending for 17 days (11-27/03/2006) the running IWS completion operations in one of the ultra deep drilled wells (MPA-20) in the world with a total depth of +/- 9,500 Meters-MD (+/- 31,000 FT-MD) & inclination of +/- 65 Deg.
(Suez Oil Company – JV RWE Dea) Drilling & Work Over History (+ 4 Years)
A night drilling supervisor for offshore drilling rig GSF-141 for 1.5 years.
A day drilling supervisor for 1500 HP land electrical drilling rig with TDS WDI-104 for 1.5 years.
A work over supevisor for 150 K.LB’s & 350 K.LB’s HWC Offsore Snubbing Units for 6 months.
Finally; A Senior Drilling Engineer till resigned from Suez Oil Company.
Cementer in Halliburton (Aug. 1998 – May 2002)
Working for Halliburton (PE & ZI) PSL as a cementer helper & during 4 years approched the title of cementer operator performing all cementing job types (one stage, two stage, lead & tail, cement squeeze, liner cementing jobs, water shut off, light weight cement jobs …… on all rig types such as onshore rigs, offshore rigs & semisubmersible rigs which supporting myself skills with a gool experience about all rig types.
As of Nov. 2000, I transferred internally for working in logging & perforating – PSL for 6 months & back to cementing operations again till left Halliberton & joined SUCO (Suez Oil Company).
Detailed Halliburton Experience
- Cementing, Stimulation, Well Cleaning (Mainly Offshore as I worked for GUPCO Platforms on Transporter Boat), N2 Lifting, Coiled Tubing operations on onshore & offshore drilling & work over rigs.
- Open & cased hole logging operations.
- FRAC Operations.
- Sand Plugs.
- Balanced Cement Plugs & Cement Squeeze.
Completed Training Courses
- Open Hole Log Interpretations course with EREX (1 Week) – (Mar. 2004).
- Well Test Analysis Course with EREX (1 Week) – (Apr. 2007).
- IADC IWCF, Well Cap & Well Sharp – Drilling Supervisor Level – Repeated Certification every 2 years as per work needs.
- IDAC DIT (H2S Breathing Apparatus) – Repeated Certification every year.
- OPIP (Operations & HSE Training) Course with GlobalSantafe (Jul. 2003).
- Internal Gas Lift & ESP design training course during my working with SUCO.
- Internal Cementing jobs design & operations training course during my working with Halliburton.
- Atomic & Radioactive activities – ONE Month Training & Certifications by E.A.A. (Egyptian Atomic Agency) which was needed during my work in Halliburton for OH & CH Logging Tools radioactive sources handling safely.
- Well Site Management (WSM) training course in Huston – USA (1 Week) – (Nov. 2011).
- Team Building – 2 Training Courses in Egypt (2012 – 2013).
- Bit Design Work Shop with SMITH & certified successfully.
- Mediterranean Deep-Water Technologies Work Shop with Schlumberger (2008).
- General Drilling & Work Over Activities in H2S areas – Ras Fanar Field (GOS Area).
- Defense Driving & Certification Through Halliburton with Special License.
Related Attended Studies
- Corrosion, Chemical Engineering, Drilling & Completion Equipment Inventory.
- Recorded Drilling Parameters Using the Black Box as we as MWD & Design the best BHA accordingly with the results of minimizing axial, lateral & torsional vibrations.
- Hole in tubing after running into a well by few days & all related studies & investigations including the detailed inspection process revisions.
- Mud Bridging Materials (Sized Calcium Carbonate) study & design to have the best hole caliper & minimize the sprite loss as well as the skin factor.
- Metallurgy Study for the twisted off stabilizers & the additional required inspection to detect the micro crakes.
- Bit Selection Studies (WD, ED, GOS, Delta “Jurassic Formations”).
- Cementing Studies to have the best cement quality in the pay zone as well as the special Thixotropic Lost Circulation Cement Plugs (LCCP) assorted designs.
- Directional Drilling & Anti-collision study to have the best well design in the faulted zones.
National & International Training Courses (Conducted & Presented by myself since 2006 till present during my annual vacations) through “ECOMAN, Masters, IFM, TSS, OGS, Intertek, HTME, GTSC, AFAQ, GESCO, MTC, EDC, Intec, Petrokass, PROLIFIC, DEFINE Consultancy, ISTS, ICTD ….”
- Advanced Drilling Practices – Turkey & Dubai.
- Drilling Engineering Fundamentals – Turkey, Dubai & Sudan.
- Drilling Operations Fundamentals – Turkey, Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sudan.
- Advanced Work Over Practices – Turkey, Egypt & Dubai.
- Drill String & BHA Design including failures analysis – Turkey & Dubai.
- IADC Well Cap, IWCF, Well Intervention & Well Sharp – Egypt, Turkey & Dubai.
- Directional, Horizontal & ERD Drilling Courses – Egypt, Turkey, Dubai, Kish Island (IRAN) & Morocco.
- Horizontal Well Integrity – Egypt & Dubai.
- Drilling Wells & Smart Completions – Dubai & Turkey.
- 6 Month Drilling & WO Diploma including all related services & operations details – Egypt.
- Cementing Operations & Design – Egypt, Dubai, Yamen, Sudan & Turkey.
- Casing Operations & Design – Egypt & Sudan.
- Fishing Operations, Tools & BHA Design – Egypt, Dubai, Sudan & Morocco.
- Stuck Pipe Prevention – Egypt & Dubai.
- Drilling Practices & Optimization – Egypt, Dubai & Morocco.
- Rig Auditing & Inspection – Dubai & Egypt (I performed many jobs @ Egypt for EPHH).
- Drilling Tendering & Contracts Fundamentals & Process – Egypt & Yamen.
General Skills
- Very Efficient Communication Skills with workshops, contractors, inspectors, auditors & field personnel
- Excellent presentation skills.
- Have a place in all companies I worked with as a main member of any orientation team.
- Very good representative & negotiator with EGAS & EGPC in all drilling programs discussions, technical issues, bid rounds & cost recoveries